FSS Accounting Office


Monday - Friday • 8am - 4pm

FSS Emblem Blue


Private Organizations (PO) are self-sustaining, special interest groups set up by people acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees, or agents of the federal government. All POs are non-federal entities and are to be treated as such. They operate on Air force installations with the written consent from the installation commander.

POs must furnish their own equipment, supplies and other materials. DoD personnel CANNOT be on duty time to develop documents in support of POs. 


As a general rule, unit unofficial activities' fundraising efforts are considered "for us, by us", unless fundraising extends beyond unit personnel and family members. Unit commanders may approve UUA activity fundraisers on base, within the unit, and intended for unit personnel only. UUA fundraising can be advertised using official communications systems (to unit members only) and allow unit Personnel to fundraise while on duty as long as their participation does not interfere with the mission. Fundraising off base and soliciting on or off base is not allowed.

Private Organizations are required to submit a fundraising request form to 6FSS/FSR. PO's must request and receive FSS approval for fundraising. All requests for fundraisers must be submitted FOUR WEEKS PRIOR to the fundraising event. Please remember NOT to use the DoD insignia or Wing letterhead for your organization's correspondence. POs are allowed three fundraisers per quarter, no exceptions. They must have liability insurance or request a waiver from the installation commander. The absence of liability insurance places all of the PO member’s personal assets immediately at risk in the event of PO liability.

POs are responsible to acquire tax exempt status from the IRS and FL State Tax Office (if applicable).

Please read AFI 34-223 and the Private Organization Guide (found below) for more information on establishing and operating a PO, UA or UUA.

In accordance with AFI 34-223, Paragraph POs must prominently display the following disclaimer on all print electronic media mentioning the PO's name confirming that the PO is not part of the DoD: - “THIS IS A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION. IT IS NOT A PART OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS AND IT HAS NO GOVERNMENTAL STATUS.”


Unofficial activities/organizations are small groups that are not required to be formally established as Private Organization because their current assets (including cash, investments, inventory and receivables) do not exceed a monthly average of $1,000 over a three month period. Units can increase threshold from $1,000  for 6 months when preparing for a large unit event (up to $5,000 for no more than 6 months).


SM&W funds are Non-appropriated (NAF) dollars that are used to contribute to the overall morale and welfare of the military community. Expenditures must be conservative, be in the best interest of the Air Force, and benefit the military community. Funds may be used to purchase light refreshments, defined as non-alcoholic beverages and finger foods such as desserts and snacks. Heavy hors d'oeuvres and items containing meat are not authorized. Disposable products to serve the food are also authorized. The most common functions supported are: Retirement Ceremonies, Individual Promotion Ceremonies, Commander's Calls and Change of Commands.

For information regarding other functions that may be supported or any other questions, please call 828-1453.

Requests must be submitted at least 10 business days (M-F) prior to the event date, using the below MacDill SM&W Request Form to: 6fss.fsr.nafao@us.af.mil