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813.827.8999 or DSN: 651.8999
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PCS Info And Other EFMP Personnel Actions
EFMP Medical
EFMP Medical conducts the Family Member Travel Screening (FMTS) process. Families PCSing out will work with EFMP-M on mandatory requirements to verify that the potential gaining base and/or its local area have the services that Exceptional Families Members need. Families who receive an assignment notification TO MacDill AFB must work with their losing base EFMP-M office for coordination.
Air Force updates on the Family Member Travel Screening process can be found here:
EFMP Assignments
EFMP Assignments considers the medical and educational needs of the family (as documented and cleared with EFMP Medical) and coordinates assignments to locations that have resources to meet those needs.
EFMP Family Support
It is crucial that families PCSing IN contact the EFMP FS office to receive targeted information and support on local resources and supports. If needed, we can also set up a needs assessment appointment.
EFMP enrolled Air Force and Space Force members PCSing OUT will have mandatory Virtual MPF tasks to complete through the EFMP Family Support Office. Keep scrolling for a step-by-step guide.
Sister Service Families
EFMP Medical and Family Support Office can assist you and/or refer to your Service’s contacts as needed. Contacts are also listed on the Sister Services page. For personnel actions (EFMP Assignments) you will work directly with your service.
The Department of the Air Force (DAF) EFMP Office now offers comprehensive information and resources to Air and Space Force families! DAF Family Vector.
Wondering if services are likely to be available at your projected base? Use the Medical Trends Dashboard to see travel recommendation trends (for the past 2 years) to various Air Force bases
If you’re planning for a move to MacDill AFB and are an EFMP family, check out the resources below!
- Read the PCS Into MacDill: A Step by Step Guide
- Contact MacDill AFB EFMP Family Support Coordinator any time for assistance!
- Join the MacDill AFB EFMP Facebook Group and ask to be added to our EFMP Distribution list by emailing
- Visit the EFMP Special Education Page for IEP and 504 Plan information and reach out to our School Liaison for additional education resources.
- Check out the EFMP PCS Planning Checklist to prep for your move.
Preparing for PCS:
Travel Screening Process
EFMP sponsors will work with EFMP Family Support Coordinators to complete mandatory items on their vMPF checklist. These items are required prior to receiving orders. The purpose is to ensure we assess areas of need, address them, and provide a warm handover to the gaining base.
A Step By Step Guide
EFMP Assignments can assist in understanding the process of applying for an EFMP Deferment or Reassignment as needed.
The Exceptional Family Member Program provides an initial 12-month deferment for a newly diagnosed condition when the Airman’s presence is essential in establishing and/or participating in the treatment program. Deferment from reassignment may also be appropriate if a treatment program is at a critical juncture and the Airman’s continued presence is absolutely essential to continuing the treatment program. The Exceptional Family Member Program also provides reassignment when an Airman is assigned to an area and a new medical, special education, related service, or early intervention need arises for which the needed services are not available within the assignment locale. Once a treatment program is established, whether formally through the Exceptional Family Member Program or on the Airman’s own initiative, the Airman is then considered worldwide assignable.
Guidance on the process and requirements can be found in AFI 36-2110 – Total Force Assignments (Jul 2020), beginning on page 32.